Monday, August 11, 2008

TaGgEd By MiN cHi.... (since JUNE...)

First Name - Chi Shein

Nickname - Ah Tan..NOT!!! swt =.="

Birthday - 12 Jan 1994

Birthplace- Tung Shin Hospital, Jalan Pudu

Time of Birth - err..7.00 pm??

Single or taken - Single

Zodiac sign - Capricorn

How tall are you - 163++ cm...need 2 be taller xD

Eye color - Brown

Hair color - Its black bt pn. sareah says its dark brown when she check my hair...lolz

BlackShy or Outgoing - Shy

Looks or personality - personality

Sexy or Cute - none of it

Serious or Fun - both??

Flower or Chocolate - Chocolate of cuz..

Pepsi or Coke - Both of it

Rap or Rock - Rap

Relationship or One night stand - none..

School or Work - School

Love or Money - both..haha *grins*

Movies or Music - Music

Country or City - City

Sunny days or Rainy days - Don't really concern..xD

Friends or Family - Both...important in my life

Have you ever...Lied - Yeah..

Stole something - Yeah in the sense of playing

Smoked - Never ever gona do dat!!

Broke someone's heart - nope..

Had your heart broken - err..dunno...

Wish you were a prince/princess - YEA

Liked someone who was taken - Nope

Shaved your head - Yea....when i was a baby..lolx...xD

Been in love - no again

Used chopsticks - yeap...but hard 2 use it...prefer fork n spoon hahaha

Sang in the mirror to yourself - 4 wad?? nola

Favorites Flower - roses, sunflower

Candy- chocolates!! is it considered as candies??

Song - english, chinese, korean (a bit)

Scent - wad does dis means?? d scent dat i like?? lavender

Colour- Black,White,Silver,pink (okla), apple green, grey

Musical Instrument - piano when i was 5 n goin 2 be keyboard after a few months

Movie - i like dramas more than movies...Dou Niu Yao Bu Yao (Dooping Dulcinea) NICE...

Singer - erm..can't think of anythin rite now..

Actor/Actress - Mike He Jun Xiang

Word - dunno...

Junk food -A lot.. xD


Location - Favourite location? Taiwan, Japan

Animal - i wan a shih-tzu

Ever cried over someone - Nope..

Is there anything you wish you could change about yourself - yes!!

Do you think you're attractive - NO...O.O

If you had to choose a Fairytale as your life what would you choose - none

Do you play any sports - NO..not active in sports

List (6) random facts about yourself and tag (some) people -
1. I wana grow taller. .
2. I love chocolates
3. I am a bit fat..dying 2 be thinner..lolx
4. I love Mike He ♥
5. Luv my frenz n family..but most importantly..Lord Jesus
6. Luv goin shoppin n buy clothes

Tagging~~~ Sheng, Moky, Hui Min, Shakthy, Lynn n whoever wana do dis tag..

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