Thursday, October 2, 2008

Holiday trip

Finally yesterday (1st oct 2008) i go 4 a trip wif my family (including my bro) 2 Genting!! I almost died of heart attack n thank god i'm still alive..

Left my house at around 9.00 am. Reach thr bout 10.00 am n 10.40 am only go in cuz many ppl ma. 1st played d spinner then played d cyclone. My mum played dat too n she's shouting loud enough.. (queued for more than 1 hour n while queing, suddenly thrs an old woman who fell of d spinning cup OMG!! Luckily she doesn't hav any injuries.)

After dat 4 d 1st time me n my sis played d Flying Coaster which costs RM 10 per person. Its really nice n fun but scary though. No wonder its a signature attraction. My bro have nth 2 play cuz he's only 2 so my dad kept bringing him 2 play d merry-go-round lol..

Later me n my sis played Genting's most scariest ride which is d SPACE SHOT!! My mum played it too (she's so brave but me n my sis oso lar rite?? *perasan*) At 1st she refused to but i convinced her n she sat 4 d ride =D Its really scary but nice in a way.. when we go up, i almost cried n my voice is shaking (i think i'm d only 1 who's calling like dat as i can't hear anyone's voice)

Before going up, my mum prayed so dat she won't have a heart attack lolz..At d highest spot, its really really scary n when it go down its>> O.O its like ur not sitting on d seat n its zero gravity!! Tears almost burst out from my eyes.. i gt d video but i haven send it 2 my comp yet n will post it mayb later or mayb not...

Lastly sat d flying dragon..quite nice also n my mum's shouting
There were many rides i sat but not much 2 be said...

Its a really nice day n i can't really believe i'm so brave 2 sit d Space Shot
*perasan again*
Memories remained in my mind..
Toodles!! ♥

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