Pastor Tommy showing d procedure of carrying ppl up...
Min Chi been carried up...
Min Yee's turn now...
N now my turn...i hate dis picture n i look numb >.<
Then we have group meeting again n sushi he went n find coconut shell 4 d show. He asked d auntie in d canteen n found a nice 1...lol...bigger than i expected...i was laughing non stop!! We have our lunch after dat.
After d nice lunch, we hav group meeting again n started rehearsal 4 d show. n then its fun time!! We go 2 d beach yay!!! When we're at d beach, we played games n back 2 our groups, we have a competition which is burying d boys in d sand!

Yong Chen if i've not mistaken is waiting...
Dis is sushi...he hav no patience anymore cuz he hav many layer of sand as d sand keep on cracking...
He smile so fake...LOL!!
D sand works better than sauna...lol
After taking pics of d 'mummys', they quickly run 2 d water n play water, splashing here n there. Girls too..

Everyone is keeping away from d guy in blue (Ah Choi kor kor) cuz he keep on splashing other ppl. min chi is trying 2 pull me 2 d water bt doesn't work..muahahahaha
Pay back time!!!
Walking back 2 our dorm 4 bathing...
After goin back, we bath n ate dinner (there're eggs AGAIN..) n we go in d hall 4 singing. Then there's a programme which is sumthin like thinking bout d probs dat u had n u had regretted...dat time many ppl was crying including me...i dunno y i would cry too... some of them they share n told us their probs. D teacher saw me crying n ask me weather i wanted 2 share then i said i'm okay...we ended up hugging each other (boys wif boys, gals wif gals) then there's a rehearsal n we prepared everything we needed 4 d drama. After 15 minutes we go 2 d campfire.
D campfire...
D campfire is flaming n we acted in front of it
Some of d part of drama d 'E' group will perform which is zhu peng gou you (which means useless frenz)
We acted by d campfire n my group took extra 39 seconds acting n after acting we eat supper n went back 2 sleep...
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