Thursday, June 5, 2008

Youth Camp @ PD (Day 2)

Slept at 1.00 am but have 2 wake up at 6.00 am!! Cannot sleep d whole nite cuz not comfortable n saw a lot of lizards coming near my bed!!! Actually we hav 2 wake up at 6.30 am but d teacher she heard other ppl's alarm n she taught its 6.30 am n so she asked everyone 2 wake up. I sleep at d down part of d double-decker bed n my 2 cousins slept on top. After brushing teeth n changing we go 4 group meeting and then go 2 d hall 2 listen those truth bout Christianity. Eat nasi lemak 4 breakfast (luckily there's no bug) n go 2 d hall again 4 singing. Again listen 2 truths n later resting. There are group meeting again cuz there will be a talent show on acting n have 2 think bout wad are we supposed 2 act. Relax time n time 4 lunch... then its free time 4 resting.

After d lunch, there's listebing 2 truths again and we have telematch after dat. D telematch is like "The Amazing Race". There are 8 stations dat we have 2 go through n each station there's sumthin we have 2 do n answering questions. Well, d questions they ask is kindda unlogic

e.g : If u draw a line how do u shorten it?
u draw another line.

e.g : After a guy he 1st step on d land, wad does he do next?
Step his another feet

Every station sure gt dis kind of question... i think gt 2 stations need us 2 answer 8 questions. There are 5 groups competing n my group is in d 3rd place. After d telematch we're supposed 2 bath but many ppl didn't cuz at nite there's another programme called "Faith Factor". After d bathing time, time 4 dinner. Later its free time for 15 minutes. Then there's the "Faith Factor". When d Faith factor, everyone is blindfolded n 1 by 1 d groups are brought 2 a place. My group's d last n we can't sit on chairs n hav 2 stand. I stand 4 about 45 minutes n i can't tahan so i sitted. Then we're asked 2 wait outside d field. There are many mosquito cuz at nite. There's a guy call Shun Xi aka Sushi who is very perasan. He ask for mosquito repellant n he said " teacher can faster put d mosquito repellant arr? Many mosquito kiss me cuz i'm too handsome ady." n dat sushi is really irritating...he called me eng. professional since i was english educated n d others were chinese educated..he keep on calling me 2 make sure i was there with them...back 2 d story...after waiting at d field (i can't sit cuz d grass is spiky) then there's our church van... we sit inside d van n d clinton (d supervisor) fetch us 2 another place but still very near 2 d field then we waited again...

While waiting...can u guess where am i??

After waiting one by one we're brought 2 our pastor n we're supposed 2 follow a rope which will lead us through. Then we're asked 2 choose 3 more ropes which will lead us 2 d correct way...1 of them is a dead end, 1 more is a long route n d last 1 which is d shortest route 2 end d trekking. Unfortunately, i chose d dead end luckily d 1 in charge of d route is my group teacher n he asked me 2 chose again n i chose d longest route =.= while trekking, i almost fell down cuz gt longkang n after i finished d track, i reached pastor Tommy n he asked my name n he pray 4 me...he's one of d best pastor i've ever meet...he's fun, funny n very nice!! Then we're asked 2 wait again n after a while, we sit on d van n d van brought us 2 d hall..end of d programme!! Then its sleeping time...

- To be Continued -


  1. wow..this camp very nice rite.. next year do again XD

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