Thursday, June 5, 2008

Youth Camp @ PD ( Day 1)

Well... i'm actually attending a youth camp which is held by my beloved church. On monday at around 11.30 am leave home n fetch my cousin n my fren 2 go church. We're supposed 2 be at d church b4 12.00 pm so i was quite worried i'm late. Luckily when we reach there its oni 11.52 am. We go in 4 check in our names n there is Mandy who me n my cousin not close with came n join us!! D camp is from monday till thursday n she said dat she forgotten her toothbrush...lols. But wad can we do so she juz tell d supervisor called clinton to buy d toothbrush when on d way 2 p.d. We around like 3.00 pm sampai p.d. We're supposed 2 stay in a centre called Port Dickson Methodist Centre n sleep in a dorm...d dorm is so small n there are 20 girls sleep inside. D guys gt 2 not fair n their air-cond is much more cooler than ours... well, overall d place is quite uncomfortable n there are a lot of bugs n lizards but their food is very nice... i dunno y every meal sure got egg...lols. When sampai there we go in n put our things in d small room n then go 2 d hall 4 ice breaking session. Ice-breaking we played blow-wind-blow n other games n after dat we bathed.

Playing games...ben (in d boxed shirt) mouth so big..

Me standing beside min yee is blocking d enemies from going through

After bathing eat dinner. Their food was nice but when eating d agar-agar, i saw a bug!! Then after dat we went in d hall 2 listen some topics bout Christianity n later we're divided into groups...i'm not in d same group with my cousins *sad* but with a guy which is a bit annoying *more sad* Lastly its free time...(we can do watever we want at dis time) n then sleep...zzzzzzzzz.......

- To Be Continued -

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