Thursday, June 12, 2008

Youth Camp @ PD (Day 4)

So dis is d day dat we're goin usual we woke up at 7.00 cuz we slept at 1.00 in d morning. We go for our group meetings again n eat our breakfast together with my group members. We ate d same thing, which are sausages n EGGS (dis 1 is mashed eggs) After our breakfast we go back 2 d hall 4 singing n listening 2 truths. Dis time we watched a video clip which is very touching which is d death of Jesus. He's nailed on the cross for the sins we hav made n he even ask 4 forgiveness from the lord to the ppl who nailed him. i watch d video until i cry man!! D gal who sat beside me oso cried (i noe i'm very emo) N after watching i dunno y my tears keep on rolling n can't stop crying. After d video, we hav pastor who blessed us except 4 gals is other woman la. But i dunno y there are no one who came 2 me n blessed me..haizz...but after dat we hav prize presentation. 4 d drama my group gt d 3rd place n overall d 3rd oso. my cousin min yee, her group gt d 2nd overall n 4 drama d 1st. After d prize presentation, we went 2 our dorm 4 packing.

Min Yee's group receiving their hamper...

After packing we put our luggages n bags at d hall n go 4 lunch. Since its d last day, my teacher belanja us a can of carbonated drinks. Our church pastor then gave Pastor Tommy a 'Thank You' card.

Receiving d card...

D lunch is over n we headed back 2 d hall 4 photography session. We took d whole participants pic 1st n then our own group pic.

Dis pic is taken earlier 1 day

We're carrying our teacher up...

Group pic...

The participants of d camp!!


After d photography session, we take pics around n i think i'll end dis post wif a pic Mandy had took...

Dats rite...its sushi... d sunglasses is 4 ladies n he's wearing it...=.=

We put our luggage in d travel bus n traveled back 2 our church. D driver mistaken d road n brought us 2 Tmn. Connaught...but luckily we gt back 2 our church. To d ones who had participated dis camp,

Thanks Guys!!!!!!!!

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