Thursday, December 18, 2008

Tagged by Shakthy (i ♥ tags!!!)

1) Do you prefer white, dark, or milk chocolate?

Dark...just nice...

2) IF you could choose the way to die, what would be?

Ride on exciting rides until heart attack n die......

3) Do you find holidays more boring than school?


4) Are you missing someone at the moment?


5) What is your worst nightmare?

I'm not gona tell....its considered worst to me last time but now not anymore..

6) If you could bring someone that's already dead back to life, would you do it? If so, who would you bring back?

Someone's mother...

7) What's your style of clothing?


8) How many times in a month do you go shopping to buy new clothes?


9) Do your parents trust you to be home alone?

Yeah..always left me at home with a bunch of monkeys..

10) What do you normally watch on TV?

Many dramas, shows, movies...

11) Do you feel self-conscious or uncomfortable when you wear your swimming suit?

I dun hav

12) Name one embarrassing thing that happened to you this year.

err....slept in class X_X sorry cik fa...

13) If you could be an animal, what animal would you be?

Bird...can fly with freedom n can travel 2 other countries without paying aeroplane ticket...

14) Have you ever eaten anything so spicy that you literally broke out into a sweat?

Of course...

15) Do you like going shopping during huge sales?

YES!!! shop for clothes.......

16) Do you always tag along with your parents when they go out?


17) Most of your average day is spent....

walking, sleeping, breathing, sitting, watch tv, playing computer, going to toilet..all my daily routine...

18) Ever tried keeping a diary?


19) So far, have you read any of the textbooks for next year?

Nope..only the "Dr. Jekyll n Mr. Hyde" read 1 page closed d book...

20) Of all the punishments your parents give, which one is the worst one to you?

erm...cant recall...

21) Why are you doing this tag?

Because she tagged me...

22) All-girls class or co-ed class?

All girls for next year...

23) Do you have a good feeling about year 2009?

Obviously not...PMR!!!

24) Which shopping complex do you visit the most?

Leisure Mall...n Jusco Cheras Selatan

25) Do you visit your relatives often?


26) Do you like most of your cousins?


27) Do the people around you make a big deal of your birthday?

U mean?

28) What household chore do you dislike the most?

All the cleaning stuffs....

29) Do you prefer to talk on the phone with friends or chat online?

Chat...not so expensive =P

30) Where would you like to study after your graduate from school?

I duno...

I tag : Sarah, Celia, n anyone who wants 2 do dis tag...

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