Wednesday, June 10, 2009


what is emo actually?

i don't really get it why are there so many people calling themselves as EMO...
i read a few form 1's blogs 
omg...most of their post was so depressing (though i know mine also havelah but not as much as theirs! no offence)
actually their life wasn't that least better than mine...
I think they do not know what is life because they have not experienced it.

They say their life is sucked up because they have no one to love or no bf/gf...
come people were only 13...Still have a long way to go...
what for so desperate?? 
Break up and in a short time find a new one...and this continues...
Love is not a game. You guys game over so fast and also you guys who got hurt and EMO.
So why not don't play or participate at all in such love game?

Wait a few more years...and you guys will know what is REAL life...
Don't put your hopes too you might face disappointment.
You all still have a long journey to go...
Wait for your true love to come. (though i think 13 is too young)
If you think it had came, hold on to it and never let go.

Don't be like me. 
I've found mine but i did not appreaciate it until he had gone for the rest of my life.
I've never feel regret so much before.
No wonder there were so many people who was single for their lives.
Guess i'm gonna be one of them maybe? 
Or even worse, the next Susan Boyle! (nah...not so sad...i hope *fingers crossed*)
Hope the world ends in 3 years time. LOL joking. 



(p/s: sorry if i offended anyone here...its just my point of view. Ignore it if it will let you feel better.)

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