Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Ice skating @ Sunway Pyramid

A post to keep my blog from dying.

just to make the post not so boring.

So yeah...today I met again with all the SMs. Well...not really all as hui min, tessa, priya and hannan didn't get to make it :(

So me and siew yuan reached there at about 10.40 then we headed to the ice rink right away.
The others (ivy, vanessa, sheng juen and shalini) were already there.
The ticket price was ok la. Luckily we didn't went during weekends.
Get our skate shoes, change into them and just started skating.

To me it wasn't really skating. More like holding on the sides and walk.
I really do suck in skating :(
I felled on my butt and its a painful experience.
Not once, but twice ;(

But soon...i get to learn a little and just walk very slow (i mean very very slow) :D
The others were ahead of me and gah, i'm the lousiest.
Maybe i shall ask my mom to teach me next time. (I wonder why i didn't have her genes T_T)

Me, siew yuan and ivy was more into looking and hunting for hot guys skating (HAHA)
And yes, there were quite a lot of hot ones :P

My legs were hurting like hell until i can't skate anymore. Especially the ankle.
I'm stupid enough to wear ankle socks -.-
Siew yuan's one were more serious. The skin came out also.

So went on skating again (to make my money worthy)
2.00 pm go change and return the skate shoes then headed to Italiannies for lunch :d
The food was awesome but its too cheesy and soon it made my tummy a little sick.

Ivy, sheng juen, vanessa and shalini went home with vanessa's mom.
So, me and siew yuan go shop. And she forced me to go eat haagen daz with her.
I paid RM15 for that freaking small cup of ice cream which i had to share with her.
And its just only half of the price. Damn it!
p/s to siew yuan: you dare to ask me go there again, i kill you!!

Walk and walk then later there's this girl which managed to drag us to their booth.
Skin consulting etc and i got a tote bag from them. Its free :D
Go J. Co and buy doughnuts. That idiot waitress...i told her 2 dozen and she only give 1 dozen.

Later my dad came and fetch us home.
The end. (this is a long post i know. Sorry for your time you wasted :P)

photos will be uploaded soon :D

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