Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Sports Day....(1/3/08)

Its Sports Day n its raining dat day since morning 5.00 am. I go 2 skul oso still raining n d worst thing is dat i'm in kawad. When we r at d padang, its still drizzling n d event is gonna start!! We still hav to kawad although its still raining. Omg, d padang was like full of mud n there r lopak full of water!! When we r marching, we go through d waters n my shoe was soggy cuz it kena d dirty waters!! Although my feet r inside my shoes, my leg can feel d wet too...(i was like eewww....) After d kawad we go inside d tent n there's cake!! At 1st i tot is d shirtliff sponsor 1 but its a girl who bought d ice-cream cake...(so kind of her!) Of course i eat it la n its so i take another slice lorr cuz they cut so small piece...hehe.I think dis year's kawad is d most gud 1!! Then all those sports event start ady,although its boring, but i enjoy cheering at d side wif jo-ann. While there's 4x400 event (tracie,sheng juen,niro oso join it) niro was pecut-ing although she got injuries on her leg .After d event end, when niro's on the way coming back 2 d tent she suddenly fell down n cried in pain cuz her leg was even more injured. D st. john's like silly ppl like dat, keep talking there.Wads so nice 2 talk hah??!! At last its penyampaian hadiah, d ground was still wet n suddenly got a malay girl was pointing at d ground where i was stepping. I tot got wad so i undur lorr. When i back off ady, i saw d ground there got sumthin moving n i was thinking wads dat thing (imagine sumthin in the mud moving!! ). It keep on moving so i tell jo-ann n she's so shocked!! D ground was still moving n i move 2 another side (which have no mud of course...go to other place d mud still moving). They announce d winner 4 kawad i was hoping 2 get 1st 4 kawad n mana tahu its maclay. I was like so shocked cuz their kawad was so damn teruk man...even prouse oso better than them. Me,siew yuan n jo-ann was like keep on complaining bout maclay n at d end, we knew dat d judges r berat sebelah cuz 1 of d judges hav daughter in maclay n so dats y they keep on winning 4 overall,kawad n board oso. Our board oso nicer than them la...(philip used his hands 2 paint d label on d board) but nvm cuz at least we win 4 perhiasan & kebersihan khemah. Dats all I could write...bye!!

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