Saturday, September 27, 2008

I wana do tag!! Tag me PLS!!

1-Why are you single?
Because i like 2 be

2-Miss any ex's?
i dun even have one..

3-What's bothering you right now?
KKS, n some things dat i won't say =X

4-What are you doing tomorrow?
Mapling n doin kks i guess (we can't noe wads 2moro)

5-Do you miss anyone? grandparents

6-Do you wear a lot of black clothing?
Quite a lot

8-Do you enjoy spending time with your mother?
It depends..cuz sometimes elderlies juz nag too much (dun tell my mum i say dat)

9-Do you like orange juice?

10-Do you get emotional easily?
yea i guess so =(

11-Do you like to cuddle?
wif my baby bro!!

12-Can you sleep without blankets covering you?
If weather is hot then yes..

13-when was your last trip to the zoo?
year 2001 (whoa..its alrd 7 years!!)

14-Did you feel awkward at all today?

15-Do you think you will be married by the time you are 35?
I guess so n i hope so..

16-Did you wake up happy today ?

17-What month were you born in?
January (too early)

18-Would you ever get a tattoo?
No way i'm gona get it

19-Has anyone ever told you that they hated you, seriously?
hmm..i duno

20-How often do you take pain medicine?
I'm not in pain

21-Do you sleep with socks on?

22-If an ex said they hate you, you say?
"Thx 4 d compliment n i hate u too" lolz

23-What are you supposed to be doing right now?
My KKS larr

24-What are you thinking about right now?
Wad to answer 4 dis question

25-How much money is in your wallet?
20 cents!! how come so less??!! Anyone stole my money??

26-When is the last time you cried?
Just an hour ago n i'm serious

27-Ever been on a motorcycle?
When i was a kid i think..

28-What brand of shirt are you wearing now?
i duno its.. EMILY THE STRANGE O.O

29-Did you shower today?
haven yet but goin to

30-Are you closer with your mum or dad?
My mum n sometimes my depends..

.31-Complete the sentence 'This Time Next Year':
I will be struggling 4 PMR, will have my handphone *crosses fingers* n..(we can't predict d future rite??)

32-Do you own a laptop?
Do i look like i own one??

I tag : Anyone that wants to do this.

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