Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Tagged by Camen

1. The rules of the game get posted at the beginning.
2. Each player answers the questions about themselves.
3. At the end of the post the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves a comment, letting them know they got tagged and to ask them to play and read your blog.

Starting time: 5.04 pm

Name: Tan Chi Shein

Sisters: Tan Chi Nei, Tan Chi Jeh, Tan Chi Sing

Brothers: Tan Guan Yu

Shoe size: 6 and a half

Height: 163+ cm

Where do you live: Bandar Mahkota Cheras

Favourite drinks: Carbonated, cuppucino, juices n latte

Favourite breakfast: Nasi Lemak at skul

Have you ever been on a plane: Nope

Swam in the ocean: Yea

Fallen asleep in school: Yea..during examz (after i finish my paperla..)

Broken someone's heart: no..

Fell off your chair: yea

Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: No

Saved e-mails: Yeap

What is your room like: normal bt messy

What's right beside you: Windows

What is the last thing you ate: Fried mihun

Ever had chicken pox: Not yet =(

Sore throat: yea

Stitches: No way!! they're painful!!

Broken nose: Of cuz not la =.=

Do you believe in love at first sight: No

Like picnics: depends

Who was the last person you danced with: Never danced with anyone before...

Last made you smile: Nigahiga's youtube videos!! It doesn't make me smile bt make me laughing like sumone retarded O.o"

You last yelled at: my sis

Today did you:
Talk to someone you like:
I dun like anyone...

Kissed anyone: NO

Get sick: nope..

Talked to an ex: Dun even hav an ex..

Miss someone: Nope..

Best feeling in the world: With my family n frenz n eating CHOCOLATE!!

Do you sleep with stuffed animals: err..yes (dun laugh)

What's under your bed: the floor

Who do you really hate: dunno..

What time is it now: 5.16 pm

Randoms :

Q: Is there a person who is on your mind right now:

Q: Do you have any siblings: Yes

Q: Do you want children: maybe.

Q: Do you smile often: nt really sure

Q: Do you like your hand-writing: ok la

Q: Are your toenails painted: No

Q: Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in: i luv my bed bt a new 1 would be better =)

Q: What colour shirt are you wearing: white

Q: What were you doing at 7:00pm yesterday: Eating

Q: I can't wait till: d big holiday!!

Q: When did you cry last: a few weeks ago..

Q: Are you a friendly person: Wad do u think??

Q: Do you have any pets: Nope

Q:Where is the person you have feelings for right now?: None

Q: Did the last person you held hands with mean anything to you now?: I can't even rmb who is d last person i hold hands with..

Q: Do you sleep with the TV on?: No.

Q: are you doing right now?This tag.

Q:Have you ever crawled through a window?No.

Q:Can you handle the truth?: Depends

Q:Are you closer to your mother or father?: My mum ♥

Q:Who was the last person you cried in front of?: Parents.

Q:How many people can you say you've really loved?: can't count at least its my whole family..

Q:Do you eat healthy?: Nt really

Q:Do you still have pictures of you & your ex?: No

Q:Have you ever cried because of something someone said to you?:Yes

Q:How often do you go to church?: Almost every Sunday

Q:If you're having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to?: my mum i guess

Q:Are you loud or quiet most of the time?: Quiet

Q:Are you confident?:No

Q:5things I was doing 10 years ago..(1998): Eat, sleep, go toilet, go 2 skul, do homework

Q:5 snacks I enjoy: chocolates, kit kat, ice cream, cake n sushi (i noe they're heavy snacks)

Q:5 things I would do if I were a billionaire: Donation 4 charity, giv it 2 my parents, use d money 4 clothes n d things i wana buy..n savings too
Q:5 of my bad habits: hmm...

Q:5 places I have lived in: My house. My grandma's house, my cousins house,cameron highlands hotel, genting's hotel.

Q:5 jobs I've had: Student, daughter, sister, granddaughter, cousin

The Lucky Five-
Min Chi (yea..u again)
Hui Min
Sheng Juen

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