Thursday, December 18, 2008

Tagged by Shakthy again (she got a lot of tags)

1. Do you think you're hot?

2. Upload your favourite picture of you!
Why should i?

3. Why do you like that picture.
I din upload anything =P

4. When is your last time you ate pizza.
Few weeks ago...

5. The last song you listened to?
I hate this part - PCD

6. What are you doing right now beside this?
reading sms

7. What name would you prefer beside yours.
hmm...i like my name...

People I tag.
1.) Vy vyan
2.) Lynnete
3.) Rebecca
4.) Tessa
5.) Hui Min

8. Who is number 1?
Someone dat I want to tag..

9. Number 3 is having relationship with?

10. Say something about number 5.
err...keep asking me to watch "gem of life"

11. How about number 4?
She jk

12. Who is number 2?
A friend la...

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