Monday, January 5, 2009

Taggy!! 2 keep my blog from dying...

(1) : For those who got tagged, please write the answers in your blog.
(2) : Forward this tag to 10 people.
(3) : Inform the 10 that they are being tagged.
(4) : The 10 cannot decline the tag.
(5) : Those who got tagged must specify the person who tag and the place where the tag been received.
(6) : Those who got tagged will receive a special blessing.Let the fun begin.

NO 1 ♥
01 your nickname : juz call me by name enough..
02 age : 15 in another 1 week =D
03 DOB : 12 January 1994
04 Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
05 interests : maple =)

NO 2 ♥
01 crush ? : dun hav
02 are you in a relationship ? : if i say yes?
03 live in happiness now : yup..
04 if god gives you unlimited courage, what will you like to do ? : i will study hard.
05 if one day, the one you love confesses to you ? : confess 2 him too..then date..then marriage lol

NO 3 ♥
01 the one who tagged you is : nina merlissa
02 she / he is your : friend, classmate =)
03 how is she / he ? : Fine hehe
04 how long have you been knowing her / him ? : 3 years
05 what do you think of her / him ? : Good girl..
06 what will you like to tell her / him ? : all the best for pmr!! (n 2 others oso)

NO 4 ♥
01 your favorite show : many..
02 your favorite music : pop, soul, hip-hop, anythin least its nice..
03 your favorite season : winter.
04 your favorite cartoon : dun hav 1?
05 your favorite person : got la...
06 your favorite color : white, black..
07 your favorite country : Korea!! Belgium too (they make gud chocolates =D)
08 your favorite weather : sunny but not too sunny.. (wad am i talking?)

NO 5 ♥
01 if the god gives you three wishes : make me clever, money, n find my prince lol
02 are you a single-minded person ? : like?
03 your most unforgettable and memorable memory is : too many.
04 are you a person who full with confidence ? : not really..
05 do you like to smile ? : ok ok i think..
06 will you choose to give up current living status ? : of course not.
07 what kind of life do you hope for ? : rich, clever n love ♥ xD

♣ lynette
♣ min chi
♣ shakthy
♣ hui min
♣ tessa
♣ christ
♣ moky
♣ celia
♣ camen
♣ whoever who wants 2 do dis tag..=)

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