Thursday, April 30, 2009

April always fools...

What can I say about April 2009 is this had been the worse month ever in my life.

First, we welcome April with April Fool's Day.
But this April Fool's doesn't seem to be welcoming.
This was the day when Christ had left this world to be with God in heaven.
Were sad enough.

Second, we sat for Intervensi 2.
This also means bad results for me no doubt.
Did last minute studying and I didn't do well in the exam.

Then now, the exam papers were given back 1 by 1.
As I had already predicted, bad results.
Its already obvious enough when i got back my Maths paper. (I FAILED IT)
And next the Science paper. (piece of shit)
Guess my other papers might be the same too...

Oh well...I really regret for studying last minute.
I should've study more earlier and get prepared.
Hope I'll have more time.
You'll help me right, Angie?

Diagnostic exam is coming too in 3 weeks.
Argh!! So stressing!!!
Just finished Intervensi and now Diagnostic?!
What to do? Study lah...
Have to start nerding again. Ugh...

(p/s: I walked to tuition for 20 minutes for the first time and stepped on dog poop at the same time on this freaking month)

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