Friday, June 5, 2009


gah...i still haven't start my history folio yet =(
science i'm still stuck halfway. ARGH!!
someone help me? T-T

the last time i holded a pencil was like one week ago. Now when i hold it i couldn't even write properly. =.="

i'm feeling hungry....





so pretty aren't they? Talk bout the price, its much more prettier. 
They count the price by the design you choose. 
hypothesis: The preetier the cupcakes, the bigger the hole you have in your wallet.

RM 60 for 36 pieces. (mini size)
RM 70 for 29 pieces. (petite size)

so expensive! Even if i buy i wouldn't sampai hati to eat it lah.
Once it entered in the mouth, everything hancur lah...

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