Saturday, June 6, 2009


whoa..i didn't know that i even have readers from singapore XD 
thanks for dropping by! =D

though its holiday, i can't feel it *banging the table like a mad woman* T_T
why so many homeworks?? *sigh*
Let us Form 3 relax a bit before PMR comes will die ar? 
so many government exams...for what? 
I mean, PMR wasn't as important as SPM.

Exam = more trees been cut off to make papers 
more trees been cut off to make papers = trees become lesser
trees become lesser = global warming

This even cause effect to the earth we are living in! 
Earth won't be saved if this continues...*sighs*

Lol..don't know why i sounded like a politician xD
Well...though its truth, i'm very sure PMR won't be canceled because of what I say.
Hui min i thought you say PMR will be canceled?? What happened??
Argh...finally i'm done with my science. 
History's waiting for me now...gotta go start nerding again.

(p/s : i've been playing restaurant city in facebook, the way they poop/pee made me LOL. They poop in public xD)

I had been crying every night.
Hoping for you to come back.
Thinking it will never happen
Because you're in heaven.

I woke up with my eyes sore.
Hoping you were just beside me.
Rubbing my tears away.
And give me a huge embrace.

This is my only wish.
A wish that will never come true.
God, would you let a miracle happen?
I'll still pray even if it wouldn't...

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