Thursday, June 10, 2010

My Water Moments

this isn't my water moment, but my cousin's

my water moment? washing my feet in the pool -.-

now almost everyone have a camera. BUT do you have a water, temperature, dust and shock proof camera?

At this time you might ask "crazy..where got such pro camera?"
Sony has it. Their Cyber Shot TX5 has it! (this camera had been sooooo long in my wishlist)

sexy much?

This camera is all in one okay!
Their panoramic shot comes out beautifully.
It also create sharp and clear images.
Not only can take 10 pictures in just one second!
It comes in 5 awesome colours too :D

Those pictures in the pool above is taken with my phone.

many people would think....
"why want to waste so much money on a camera. Just buy a handphone that got camera function can already la"

Hello? phone camera's got so pro until 10.2 megapixels ar?
Somemore your phone also not water proof also. Drop in the water it also can stop functioning.
And handphones shock proof meh? No accidentally drop on the floor also you heart pain.

So thats why...Sony's "make.believe" slogan is definitely something you can trust on.

If i have a TX5 camera, i would just jump off the pool and take pictures underwater.
I swear i wouldn't stay on the side and wash my feet instead :/

The more i write about this camera, the more i want it in my hands :(

mommy, get me a cyber shot tx5 camera please? T__T

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