Thursday, June 3, 2010

hello hello :D

speaking bout blogging, i seriously forgot that i had a blog which is nearly dead.
i'm wondering who will still read such a boring blog but oh well, to those who are reading this now, i'm really grateful *tears of joy* :DD

so today all the form 4s finished their mid year exams.
I had a feeling that i wouldn't be doing great for this exams after getting my chem results cause i failed for that :/

and OHOHO holidays is one more day away! OMGEE *exaggerating*

exams -checked
holidays -going to be checked
bm oral -uh oh.

i wonder whats the use of oral test :/
it wasn't like we can't speak languages that we learn. we aren't THAT pathetic right?
ahh who cares la.


btw skinfood's rice mask is the best mask EVER.
i strongly recommend for all those that wants to have a good texture on their face :D
its suitable for all skin types.
though 1 tub of it could be little, but i think it could last for 5 months.

p/s : i'm not a promoter thats been forced to post this HAHA.


random question : how does mole grow? i just realize i had a NEW mole on my legs :P

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