Sunday, November 13, 2011

Skinfood 12 Days Challenge : Day 2

ALOHA again!
Well I know I'm early today for my Day 2 review but that's because I can't wait to share my amazing experience of the Egg White Pore that I first use yesterday night!
I'm so sorry that the pictures weren't clear enough like what I can see since I have quite a bad camera with me :( but anyways, here's my review :)

Firstly, I cleanse my face with my regular facewash

This is my face after cleansed (ignore the eyebags pleaseeee)

Before: my left cheek. The pores are BIGGG and harsh to me :(

For the second step, I use the black/whitehead remover pad

It is like a rectangular tissue-like pad. And for this one, it contain some oily substance on the pad
The scent of it is somewhat like those cooking oil to me (might be the egg white hmm..)

For the third step, I use the pore refining pad 

This pad is more smoother as you can see. The fragrance of it is SO NICE!

After using 2 pads, this is when magic happens (haha) I can instantly see my pores smaller without using the serum yet! This 2 had became part of my "love list" :DD


After : (left cheek again) My pores became smaller! Maybe you couldn't see too clear but it really is!

So now for step 4, I apply the T-zone serum around my T-zone (forehead, nose)

Like any other serum, it has a gooey texture. The fragrance smells like Skinfood's rice mask. LIKE! :D
(p/s: Its my index finger btw LOL)

And now the last step, I apply the U-zone serum on my cheeks and jaw

For this serum, it has a more watery texture compared to the T-zone serum. 
The fragrance is about the same as T-zone serum too! (Mind me, I just have that "thing" for fragrance :P)

This is how my pores look after I completed all the steps :)

And then I went to sleep as usual. And when I wake up this morning, my pores look like this!


I was like, OMG REALLY?! SO SMALL! (this is also my left cheek)

Overall, this product just make wonders on my face! LOVIN' IT TO THE VERY MAX! (like OF COURSE?!) :D
I rate it 5/5 since it made such a big difference in just one day! :DD
And the product i LOVE most for this range was the Egg White Pore Pads. It work like magic! ♥

So yup, till then~ thanks for stopping by! Do wait for my Day 3 review yeah ;)
Feed your skin and stay beautiful!

Note : This review is based on what I had witnessed and it is 100% original. I'm not a representative for the brand of products I use. The exposure and contrast of some photos are adjusted again to provide better clarity but however, no photoshops were used throughout the review.

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