Monday, September 22, 2008

Tagged!! YAY!!

Have you ever been out of the country?
Yea..Thailand =.=
Do you talk with boys more or with girls?
Girls lar

Do you like experiencing new things or would you rather stay in your comfort zone?
Rather stay in my comfort zone
Who pisses you off the most?
My sis almost everytime..
What was the worst part of 2008 so far?
Getting bad results 4 my examz n REDOING MY KKS!!!
What was the best part of 2008 so far?
hmm...i think its getting a new comp, going 2 sunway n go 4 camp at PD =)

If one thing could make 2008 perfect, what would it be?
Getting gud marks 4 d final term of exam n getting everything in my wishlist (pray that God will fulfill it) =D

Have you ever puked at someone else's house?
Do you like going to relatives' houses? depends

Are you very close with your cousins?
Kindda I guess (we meet every Sunday)

If you are an only child, did you ever wish you could have siblings?If you have siblings, did you ever wish you were an only child?
I wish dat i'm d only child

What do you do to relieve your stress?


Do you get mood swings?

Wads dat??

Do you spend a lot of time getting ready to go out?
Yea..i'm alwayz d last when preparing 2 go out
Do you flirt?
No!! (do i look like someone who will flirt??!!)
Is your closest friend a guy or a girl?
Its a girl larr
Who do you normally talk to if you have worries?
My parents n frenz..
Have you ever felt betrayed?
Can't recall

The most perverted person you know?
My sis..She really is perverted

The least perverted boy you know?

What was the strangest thing you ever saw?
A cow (or is it a goat??) wif three horns in a pic n d cacing at zulika's tudung xD

What are your current favourite songs?
Many!! Breathless by Shayne Ward, When I Grow Up by PCD, Better in Time by Leona Lewis, One by Epik High, Why Have I fallen In Love with You?? by TVXQ n etc... too much 2 be listed

What was the worst injury you got?
My arm terkena a hot iron T__T
What was the best dream you ever had?
I dun rmb...

If you could choose what gender to be, would you rather be a girl or a boy?
A boy but sometimes i feel being a gal is nice =)

Have you ever had surgery?
Done! I tag :
*Vy Vyan
*Sheng Juen

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