Saturday, April 18, 2009

A long tag...

So, where are you from?
my mother's womb..

Where do you live now?
a planet called Earth

Which do you think of when someone says "home"?

Name your best physical feature

And what do you think is your worst?
my stubbornness

What's your best personality trait?

And the one you would change?
don't be too stubborn

Leader or follower?
none of it though...follower i guess..

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Is heaven possible?

First thing you'd do if you won the lottery?think nicely ...
Go get the money first..

If you could have lunch with any celebrity (alive or dead), who would it be?
I don't need to have lunch with celebrity...i wanted to have lunch with him..its more than enough..

Make it as our first date?

What "comfort" food do you enjoy most?
Dark chocolates...

Can you watch horror movies alone?
I don't like horror movies...

Which one still creeps you out the most?

Cold or hot weather?

Camping or hotel?

Thunderstorms or sunshine?

What ONE thing can someone ALWAYS find in your Fridge?

How 'bout in your car?
Don't own a car..

Do you have any weird phobias?
afraid of heights counted?

What about fetishes?

Favorite foreign accent?
none of them...

What's your favorite outdoor activity?

Can you juggle?

Can you do anything 'weird' with any body parts? (i.e. wiggle your ears)
nope...don't think so..

What language would you most like to learn?

Were you a 'cool kid' or a geek in high school?
none of it i guess...o.o

How about NOW?
duno la..

Do you have any funky allergies?

If you were president, what would you do first?
err...donate money to the needs?

Were you (or are you) in the military?

What branch?

Are you a slob or a neat freak?
both but mostly neat..

Most annoying habit of your mate?
speaking tamil? O.o

And what would your mate say YOURS was?
no sense of humour...=="

Do you snore or have any bizaare sleeping habits? am i supposed to know what am i doing while sleeping?

Do you know what "D&D" stands for?
No..wads that?

If you do, go back and answer the geek question again!

What's your favorite TV show?
erm...i haven't watched the tv since beginning of the year...

Have you ever been skinny-dipping?
whats that?

Name one thing most people don't know about you.
i'm very stubborn (guess some of you should know)

Are you a 'romantic' or a 'realist'?
What's a realist?

What would be your perfect date (no money limit)?
erm...its not bout the money..its bout the happiness and romance of the date...

Do you believe any freaky superstitions?

Can you cook?
kinda...but not good at it..

What's your best 'dish'?

How old were you when you found out about Santa?
err...can't recall

How did you find out? i think

Favorite part of your body for a massage?

What was your best subject in school?

Where you on any teams or clubs?

If you could have any job, what would you be?
depends on my knowledge...

What sports team (if any) are you fanatical about?
i'm not really interested in sports stuff..

Do you sleep in jammies or in the nude?
Not nude of course! whats jammies?

Any reason why for your choice?
Sleeping in nude is gross...

Do you have pets?

What kind?
dun have..

Are they allowed to sleep with you?

Would you choose your pet or your mate?

Were you named after someone or something?

What are your nicknames?
okaay..i hate this question...

Do any family members have their own names for you?
yeah... zzz

Have you ever participated in an extreme sport, and what?

Are you a blogger, surfer or gamer?
Blogger and gamer.

Do you prefer going to the movies, or staying in for DVDs?
Movies at cinema

What's the best movie you've seen this year?
Didn't watch any this year...

Luxury condo or log cabin?
luxury condo..

If volunteers were needed to settle on Mars, would you go? told me christ was there didn't you?

What's the ONE thing you would have to take with you?
my phone..

What's your favorite holiday?
eh...i think maybe this end of the year?

Cuz i may be meeting my "gu zi"

Ever been hospitalized?

What for?

Do you have any artificial parts or implants??
what you think? No of course...=.=

Would you say you're graceful or clumsy?

Would you prefer to dance or karaoke (yes, you must choose one!)?

What's your favorite karaoke song?

Favorite vegetable?
erm...forget what that called...

Most hated vegetable?

Popcorn or candy at the movies?

i tag
- min chi
- shark
- adeeba
- hui min
- tessa

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