Thursday, June 4, 2009

boredom kills.

seriously it kills me the whole week...

not in the mode of doing homeworks...blame my lazy parasites...
not in the mode of being kind to my sis...blame my pms...

After one whole day of nuffnang-ing, i still don't get it on how it works...
the money i earned is a "huge" number: RM 0
i even went googling on tips to earn money through it but i don't even get it.
What in earth is CTR??? 
i have nuffnang ads all over my blog now...=.="

and to hui min, nuffnang is not my husband. The money they give me is only my husband =p
okay lah...don't call it husband...sounded ew to me....
cause there's an old man's picture on each and every one of them.

you also know who my husband is right? ;D 
don't tell me its shark. I'll kill you or anyone who say that..
having pms ah...don't mess with me :P

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