Friday, January 13, 2012

Officially 18

Yesh, I had just turned 18 yesterday. Feeling a little old but that's okay as long as I'm young at heart :D
Celebrated my birthday with my dear at Mid Valley :DD
It was my first birthday date hahah and it turned out fun hehe

Watched Mission Impossible 4 : Ghost Protocol there at GSC since he have a pair of free ticket :D
Ate a lot too...we ate for around like 3 rounds in an afternoon!

First it was at Ireland's Potato. I swear, the food there was gooooooddddddd!! Especially that potato skin with the cheese filling! ♥ Will try the fries one day!
Their slogan was an irish quote :

There are 2 things in life that can never be joked, 1 : marriage, 2 : POTATO

I laughed.

We headed to the cinema right after that. And once we came out, we headed to Carls Jr. lol since we both never tried their burgers before.We ordered some swiss bacon chicken burger but FAIL, I can't see nor taste any bacon :/ Their fries was good too since its natural cut :D (natural cut as in cut from natural potato, not the potato can cut itself)

Then we take public transport to go back Leisure Mall while waiting for my mom to come late at 8. Then went to Sushi King and had sushi and bento. I was bloated hahahah. Ate finish and took some pictures there~
Left and went to Starbucks to wait.
Redeemed my free drink and we stayed there talk, play Fruit Ninja, kepoh by checking Facebook, check in Foursquare, take picture :P

:D face

He looked so good in the shirt I gave him! :3

My mom came and fetched us home. When we reached his house he asked to wait for a little while as he go take his college's course guide for me. He came out holding a huge plastic bag and I'm thinking "wow, course guide got so many? O_O" He gave it to me and went back in. To my surprise, there was a box inside. 
It says "Happy Birthday~". I opened it and saw a 12'' Cupipi plushie inside. I was smiling like crazy since I was opening it k hahah 


Thats all that I'm spilling today! 
Till next time~ :D

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