Thursday, February 23, 2012

Heart Day.

Hello hello there~

Its really boring over here so that's why I decided to blog.
CNY and Valentine's Day is over.

CNY was good. Received quite a lot of angpaus (but the amount wasn't satisfying :x)
Visited i-City at NOON with honey and family. But -___- we went back before night so couldn't see any nice lightings

Valentine's Day? LOL this year was supposed to be my first Valentine's and since its the 14th, its also me and my dear's 11th monthsary hehe. But however, we didn't manage to celebrate it since its a Wednesday and my dear is having his class till 8 D:
So...we decided to celebrate tomorrow :D

The time for us to be together is becoming lesser and lesser. Sometimes I just felt so lonely all of a sudden.
Maybe its because he is busy with his college stuffs and assignment while I'm so free that I could rot at home. It's normal, right?
Who cares, I'm gonna be happy and cherish the moments while I'm with him tomorrow :)

I'm having trouble. I couldn't find any nice couple keychains you know :/
I know quite a lot of people thinks that couple stuffs are cheesy. BUT I LIKE COUPLE STUFFS OK.
Despite rings, shirts, watches or whatever...they're cute.
Kind of shows your affection and also your promise towards the other half :3
Anyway, I was aiming for the Cupido and Cupipi keychain for handphones but they're out of stock :/
I went to Tokyo Street to find for it at the Dooodolls outlet but Cupido is sold out D:
So...I came to an idea, "why not I make one for me and him?"

And so ngam I found felt cloth, washable cotton at Daiso and keychain strap at Leisure Mall while going on an outing with Siew Yuan, I'm thinking "THIS IS BRILLIANT! I SHALL MAKE IT."

And after repeated needle pokings on my fingers and also my 2nd attempt, this is the result

I'm not a tailor so I was pretty satisfied by it. It has our names front and back of the heart.

I'll be giving him that tomorrow. Wondering how his reactions would be ._.
Hope he will like it >.<

He knows I'm taking his photos. Purposely punya give that face xD

But anyhow, still don't have a car for now -.-

K lah..thats all that I wanna spill out. CIAO! ♥

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