Monday, February 27, 2012

Norwegian Wood

ELLO! Well my title sounds kinda artistic huh? Not like the normal me HAHA
Well, its actually a song by The Beatles and also a book title by Haruki Murakami

Dear bought it for me with his 1 Malaysia book voucher from Kinokuniya on last Friday's date.
So far I had read till page 100 and I could say, it was pretty alright for someone who don't read like me.

That day's date was great as always :) 

We went to Yut Kee Restaurant located at Dang Wangi and just minutes of walk from the LRT station.
And what are they famous for? The legendary "Roti Babi" (pork bread)

We were there aorund 10 in the morning? and that place was already packed. There's ang moh too having their breakfast there (that's how famous Yut Kee is)
Sorry no pictures lol but I think the Roti Babi was okay only.
Its filled with pork, onions and somehow, I tasted something like sardines...idk? ._.
Roti Babi cost RM 8 each :)

So then we ordered a plate of their famous roasted pork. And its just OHMYGOD.
A plate of it consist of 2 slices of roasted pork and some (apple?) jam. It cost RM 14 but its worth it!

After we had breakfast, we used the LRT to go KLCC. I just love the Masjid Jamek LRT k? Its like underground subway :D
Head to Kinokuniya and saw Arif working at Petrosains.
Dear had a hard time choosing his book :P

Anyhowwwww after buying books and finding shoes, we went back to Leisure Mall for a movie.
Watched Ghost Rider : Spirit of Vengeance :D
At first I thought its some kind of horror, ghost story but its not. Surprisingly, I liked it :P

Went home after that. I just love spending my time with him :)
Oh and the keychain, he's super adorable when he receive it hahahha ♥
But its a fail keychain. The top part of it of my kechain tore off FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU. 
Shouldn't had use felt cloth -________________-

Conclusion : I had a great day! :DDDDD
K lah that's all hahahha BYEEEEEEE

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