Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Youth Camp @ Cameron Highlands (3-6/06/11)

*blows dust* So....I was bored and making a quick update here heh

I went for my church youth camp at Cameron and the weather there was a bit too cold for me.
(till now I've been bathing with warm water whenever I shower)

Got dizzy due to carsick, tummy ache due to the wind (thanks dear for the ointment, helps a lot :D) and such but I'm happy to finally know God a little bit more as I experienced His miracle on the last day of the camp. AMEN! :)

Many things happened in that 4 days. I learned, played, prayed, took care of people etc (though that 6 hours of sleep doesn't seem enough for a lazy bump like me :x)
People there were nice, my group members was awesome :D (that's why we got 1st for overall heh :p)

My dear left there a day earlier, so my last day seemed boring a little since there's a tour around Cameron. Went to the market, bee farm etc and I was unlucky as I feel sick again during the journey ~__~ But luckily, managed to get pills and some rest, which of course made me fell asleep at the bus during the whole journey back to KL.

Had late dinner at R&R Tapah and I have to admit, the foods there are overpriced!
But oh well, for the sake of feeding empty tummies there's no other choice.
Thank God, we reached church at around 11.20 p.m and I reached home at around 11.40 p.m safe and sound :)

Hmm...I think this should be enough for a short update right? Till then~

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